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Fr Bill

Dear Brother and Sisters,

This is my second to last column for you. When I arrived, I was told to expect to be with you for five years. If I would have known that my time was going to be cut short, I would have taken a different approach to my mission here. I would have still loved you all the same, but it is not right to leave projects open ended.

Shortly after my arrival, both parishes relaunched the One-by-One campaign. Both parishes made their goal. Both parishes have good projects that the money raised will support.

Will these projects be completed? I do not know, but you are owed a status update.

The main project for Holy Trinity was to re-configure the offices so that parishioners can be better welcomed for funeral and wedding planning, for pastoral counseling and meeting with the priest, to provide a better working environment for our administrative assistant, and to have a place to store records rather than the parish garage. The septic system was a higher priority, and once that is completed, a committee will be formed to develop some proposals.

The main project for St. Gregory was to make a final decision about the status of the rectory building. The buildings and grounds committee has hired a home inspector to get a better idea of the scope of required work, and pending the outcome of that inspection, a decision will be made. Both remodeling or demolition are significant expenses. The decision will be determined by the scope of the work that is required. If maintaining the rectory is a financially viable project, it would provide a pastor a choice about where to live.

I will be honest, the current rectory at Holy Trinity feels like I am living in a fishbowl. I have shared with the financial and pastoral councils of both parishes that there has to be a long term plan developed for providing a living space for the pastor that truly provides him a home with adequate privacy.

Father Bill